Exciting News about my new clinic space!
After nearly 30 years, it is with some sadness that I have to announce that The Oxford Practice closed its doors from the 1st March 2023.
The good news is that I have found a wonderful new treatment space at The Coach House, Cross Hayes just around the corner in fact!
My husband and I have been working hard since December to create a beautiful, calming and healing space for all my clients and patients to enjoy.
It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to this new practice.
Also joining me from 1st March 2023, will be:
Mrs. Pauline Scott ( Reflexology, Hopi Ear candles ) -
Mr. Andrew Templar ( Chiropody ) - Tel: 07979 524028
Mrs. Susan Crawford ( Foot health care )
Wootton Bassett.
After 20 years in Royal Wootton Bassett I made the decision to consolidate my practices into a single clinic in Malmesbury. My thanks to Lesley Tylee, Emma Taylor, and Vicky Whitfield at Complete Footcare for all their support and help over the years. A big thank you to all my loyal patients and clients for their support over the years. I am hoping I will see many of you in the new practice in Malmesbury.
After nearly 30 years, it is with some sadness that I have to announce that The Oxford Practice closed its doors from the 1st March 2023.
The good news is that I have found a wonderful new treatment space at The Coach House, Cross Hayes just around the corner in fact!
My husband and I have been working hard since December to create a beautiful, calming and healing space for all my clients and patients to enjoy.
It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to this new practice.
Also joining me from 1st March 2023, will be:
Mrs. Pauline Scott ( Reflexology, Hopi Ear candles ) -
Mr. Andrew Templar ( Chiropody ) - Tel: 07979 524028
Mrs. Susan Crawford ( Foot health care )
Wootton Bassett.
After 20 years in Royal Wootton Bassett I made the decision to consolidate my practices into a single clinic in Malmesbury. My thanks to Lesley Tylee, Emma Taylor, and Vicky Whitfield at Complete Footcare for all their support and help over the years. A big thank you to all my loyal patients and clients for their support over the years. I am hoping I will see many of you in the new practice in Malmesbury.

Acupuncture sessions will be:
Traditional Diagnosis and first session £ 65.00
Acupuncture Session 1 hour £48.00
Massage Back, Neck and Shoulder 50 minutes £42.00
Massage Full Body £52.00
Enhanced Facial Acupuncture £55.00
De Luxe 2 Hour Acu Facial £65.00
Acupuncture sessions will be:
Traditional Diagnosis and first session £ 65.00
Acupuncture Session 1 hour £48.00
Massage Back, Neck and Shoulder 50 minutes £42.00
Massage Full Body £52.00
Enhanced Facial Acupuncture £55.00
De Luxe 2 Hour Acu Facial £65.00
Charities supported by Dragonfiretherapies.
Every year at Christmas I am proud to support a number of charities through my business. This years charities are;
Every year at Christmas I am proud to support a number of charities through my business. This years charities are;
- Four Paws International - A charity which rescues animals suffering as a result of conflict or neglect.
- Medecins sans Frontieres - An organisation of dedicated doctors and medical staff who support victims of conflict and war.
- Salvation Army.
Treating Long Covid with Acupuncture
Long Covid is a term used to describe a set of symptoms which can persist for longer than 4 weeks in patients who have had a positive diagnosis of the Coronavirus or Covid 19 as it is now known.
Whilst initially, the original virus, may have presented in a mild form, such as fever lasting only a few days, cough, fatigue, headache, stomach upset, loss of taste and smell, patients with Long Covid, typically do not recover from the initial virus and can even find that new symptoms crop up to add to their general misery.
People find that whilst they are not ill enough to need hospitalisation, their symptoms are bad enough that they are left significantly debilitated for weeks if not months. Obviously, such a long term health problem will have a knock on effect for work, family life and general well being. Many patients are finding that their mental health suffers because they cannot see an end to their illness and find they spiral down into despair, anxiety and depression.
What we are seeing now with patients who have Long Covid are a set of symptoms which include:
Malaise; Extreme fatigue; Headaches and migraine; Continued problems with lack of smell and taste: Extreme skin sensitivity and unusual skin rashes; Palpitations and free floating anxiety; Breathlessness; Digestive disorders; Muscular weakness and pain in the long bones of the body; Intermittent fever or chills; Sinus problems; Sleep disturbances; Chest pain and difficulties breathing and many more besides.
If you or someone you know has recently had Covid 19, and is still suffering some of the above symptoms even after a month or two, Acupuncture may be able to help.
Here’s how.
During Lockdown, many acupuncturists have found it hard to maintain face to face contacts with patients, and some of us have had to close down our Practices in order to comply with the need to protect our patients, ourselves and the general public. Some of us have carried on doing emergency pain relief or doing online support work. During this time, we have not been idle. Via the British Acupuncture Council, many of us have come together across the Globe to pool our resources and our knowledge via online webinars, conferences and research papers. We have had access to some of the most prestigious acupuncturists and researchers in the world to discuss this pandemic and what we, as acupuncturists can do to help patients who are suffering the effects of Long Covid. Local acupuncturists in our area are right now, sharing ideas and case studies in order to help get our community back on its feet.
At this point it is important to stress that we cannot treat you for Covid 19 whilst you are infectious. If you have recently been diagnosed, you must take a test and self isolate for the prescribed number of days. This paper is for those who have experienced continued symptoms at least 4 weeks after the initial infection.
Conventional Medicine has been able to isolate the genome of this virus and to, in an incredibly short time, come up with increasingly successful treatments to prevent serious illness and death and now vaccines to help protect the general populace. But we also think that Traditional Acupuncture has much to offer helping those people who are still ill, to recover their former good health.
Acupuncturists derive many of their diagnostic techniques from an early collection of written and pictorial texts called the Su Wen.
In the Su Wen, it is stated, many thousands of years ago, that:
“ If Zheng Qi ( immune system ) remains strong, then Xie Qi ( Pathogen, disease or virus ) cannot invade the body. If Zheng Qi is weak, than Xie Qi will invade the body.”
Though written a few thousand years ago, this remains a significant truth for our health today. If we keep our immune systems and our bodies strong, well nourished, exercised and hydrated, then we will rarely fall ill … if we weaken our bodies with poor diet, little exercise, too much inflammatory foods such as alcohol and sugar, and lack of adequate hydration … we will without doubt fall prey to a number of illnesses and leave our selves open to opportunistic pathogens.
An Acupuncturist will need to do the following in order to help the patient recover from Long Covid.
However, I will always be clear with my patients, that as an acupuncturist, I must remain secondary to your primary health care professional and general practitioner and if you are on any medication prescribed by your doctor, this should be continued.
The Global Acupuncture Community has agreed generally, that Covid 19 falls under the category of a Cold Damp Disease invading pathogenic factor, which is why you will see surges of it during the Winter months, but it falls back during the drier Summer period. With this in mind, it is clear to see how we should all be taking more general care of our bodies, and our immune systems particularly as the Autumn and Winter months progress. My Colleagues and I continue to engage in meaningful discussion and follow ongoing research as to how best to increase efficacy of treatment strategies during this pandemic.
We are here for you if you feel you would like to consider this form of treatment.
If you wish to consider acupuncture for the treatment of Long Covid or any other health problems, please feel free to contact me via email or mobile phone.
If you have read the above article and live outside of the Wiltshire area and need help with Long Covid, please do contact the British Acupuncture Council on 020 8735 0400,
email info@acupuncture.org.uk
Website www.acupuncture.org.uk
for a registered practitioner in your area.
Tamara Ashcroft – Nowicki December 2023
Tamara is a registered practitioner of Acupuncture and has been in Practice for over 23 years.
Long Covid is a term used to describe a set of symptoms which can persist for longer than 4 weeks in patients who have had a positive diagnosis of the Coronavirus or Covid 19 as it is now known.
Whilst initially, the original virus, may have presented in a mild form, such as fever lasting only a few days, cough, fatigue, headache, stomach upset, loss of taste and smell, patients with Long Covid, typically do not recover from the initial virus and can even find that new symptoms crop up to add to their general misery.
People find that whilst they are not ill enough to need hospitalisation, their symptoms are bad enough that they are left significantly debilitated for weeks if not months. Obviously, such a long term health problem will have a knock on effect for work, family life and general well being. Many patients are finding that their mental health suffers because they cannot see an end to their illness and find they spiral down into despair, anxiety and depression.
What we are seeing now with patients who have Long Covid are a set of symptoms which include:
Malaise; Extreme fatigue; Headaches and migraine; Continued problems with lack of smell and taste: Extreme skin sensitivity and unusual skin rashes; Palpitations and free floating anxiety; Breathlessness; Digestive disorders; Muscular weakness and pain in the long bones of the body; Intermittent fever or chills; Sinus problems; Sleep disturbances; Chest pain and difficulties breathing and many more besides.
If you or someone you know has recently had Covid 19, and is still suffering some of the above symptoms even after a month or two, Acupuncture may be able to help.
Here’s how.
During Lockdown, many acupuncturists have found it hard to maintain face to face contacts with patients, and some of us have had to close down our Practices in order to comply with the need to protect our patients, ourselves and the general public. Some of us have carried on doing emergency pain relief or doing online support work. During this time, we have not been idle. Via the British Acupuncture Council, many of us have come together across the Globe to pool our resources and our knowledge via online webinars, conferences and research papers. We have had access to some of the most prestigious acupuncturists and researchers in the world to discuss this pandemic and what we, as acupuncturists can do to help patients who are suffering the effects of Long Covid. Local acupuncturists in our area are right now, sharing ideas and case studies in order to help get our community back on its feet.
At this point it is important to stress that we cannot treat you for Covid 19 whilst you are infectious. If you have recently been diagnosed, you must take a test and self isolate for the prescribed number of days. This paper is for those who have experienced continued symptoms at least 4 weeks after the initial infection.
Conventional Medicine has been able to isolate the genome of this virus and to, in an incredibly short time, come up with increasingly successful treatments to prevent serious illness and death and now vaccines to help protect the general populace. But we also think that Traditional Acupuncture has much to offer helping those people who are still ill, to recover their former good health.
Acupuncturists derive many of their diagnostic techniques from an early collection of written and pictorial texts called the Su Wen.
In the Su Wen, it is stated, many thousands of years ago, that:
“ If Zheng Qi ( immune system ) remains strong, then Xie Qi ( Pathogen, disease or virus ) cannot invade the body. If Zheng Qi is weak, than Xie Qi will invade the body.”
Though written a few thousand years ago, this remains a significant truth for our health today. If we keep our immune systems and our bodies strong, well nourished, exercised and hydrated, then we will rarely fall ill … if we weaken our bodies with poor diet, little exercise, too much inflammatory foods such as alcohol and sugar, and lack of adequate hydration … we will without doubt fall prey to a number of illnesses and leave our selves open to opportunistic pathogens.
An Acupuncturist will need to do the following in order to help the patient recover from Long Covid.
- Firstly, as in every case, the Acupuncturist must take a detailed case study, in particular focussing on the area of weakness the patient is displaying. No two patients will ever display the exact same symptoms. It maybe that one patient is feeling fatigue and muscular pain, whilst another’s main symptom maybe chest pain, breathlessness, palpitations and acute anxiety. In focusing on the main cause of distress, the acupuncturist is then able to decide how best to treat the patient and come up with a bespoke treatment strategy which is directed at the root of dis – ease.
- It maybe that the Acupuncturist includes dietary advice, massage techniques and or herbal medicine to supplement the actual acupuncture sessions and indeed, changing some aspects of the diet have been found to be a game changer for many suffering the symptoms of Long Covid.
- It will be necessary for the patient to embark on a serious course of treatment rather than one or two treatments. Long Covid is a chronic condition, and the general consensus is that such patients will need up to two sessions a week for at least 4 to 6 weeks in order to see those benefits manifest in terms of a return to health.
- Acupuncturists focus on the whole person, whereas in conventional medicine, the focus tends to be on the disease itself. There is little differentiation between patients. You either have Covid 19 or you do not. There is little within conventional medicine which aims to help or support such individuals recover, other than the usual … Rest, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or in some cases the ubiquitous anti depressant. Doctors in general practice are so stretched currently, that they have little or no time to sit with a patient to discuss the emotional or mental impact their illness has had on their lives. Acupuncturists expect to discuss every aspect that your illness has had upon your life and will always treat holistically.
However, I will always be clear with my patients, that as an acupuncturist, I must remain secondary to your primary health care professional and general practitioner and if you are on any medication prescribed by your doctor, this should be continued.
The Global Acupuncture Community has agreed generally, that Covid 19 falls under the category of a Cold Damp Disease invading pathogenic factor, which is why you will see surges of it during the Winter months, but it falls back during the drier Summer period. With this in mind, it is clear to see how we should all be taking more general care of our bodies, and our immune systems particularly as the Autumn and Winter months progress. My Colleagues and I continue to engage in meaningful discussion and follow ongoing research as to how best to increase efficacy of treatment strategies during this pandemic.
We are here for you if you feel you would like to consider this form of treatment.
If you wish to consider acupuncture for the treatment of Long Covid or any other health problems, please feel free to contact me via email or mobile phone.
If you have read the above article and live outside of the Wiltshire area and need help with Long Covid, please do contact the British Acupuncture Council on 020 8735 0400,
email info@acupuncture.org.uk
Website www.acupuncture.org.uk
for a registered practitioner in your area.
Tamara Ashcroft – Nowicki December 2023
Tamara is a registered practitioner of Acupuncture and has been in Practice for over 23 years.